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It reminds me Dario Fo’s quote “Know how to live the time given to you.” Yes that is right. Life should be for those who know how to live on it. Uncertain about the fact; I am feeling to be with my friend AMY now.  We are school friends and still keep that relation. I met her during my last INDIA visit which was totally unexpected. We had a coffee chat and recollected some of our childhood day’s memories.

Teenage is the stage where most of them live in their imaginary world. The beauty of it was very elegant and there were no limits for your reach. We had and shared about our vision of bright future, high ambitions, best family, successful goals - oh my GOD and was successful in all the fields we could. Wish real life was the same. I like her because of the simplicity and innocence. Our dream towards becoming a teacher, having a family, building a house etc. was exactly the same. All these were during our teenage time. But nothing happened as wish. Everything changed in all aspect of our life.

During our last meeting we were sharing where we reached after traveling a long way. Her life was with full of unforeseen. Will tell the story about a cute smiley girl [childhood face is more familiar than recent] with a great dream towards her life ended up with twirls and twists leaving nothing great to say as behind. She was really good in her studies. It was her dream of getting (Dr.) PhD in life science and becoming a professor in college. Her pet name was Dr. Amy in our friends circle. She used to imitate being a teacher while clearing our doubts. I still remember the grace on her face during those moments. Her parents were very rich and it was confirmed she was going to do it as she had everything she needed to achieve it.

But nothing happened as her dream. Her family fortune has made a big twist in her life. Her parents decided not to make her study more as there is enough for her and her next generation to live a luxury life and started searching a suitable bridegroom for her.  Even they didn’t have the patience to wait till her complete the degree. She got married to a business man’s son who is equally rich in wealth – which made her parents confirmed, that there is no need for a second thought. With a broken dreams about her successful career she accepted her parents decision and gradually was able to accept with new situation as it was another accomplishment of her life as the dream being in the hand of a best man was coming true. He was so loving, caring and handsome. Both of them were match perfectly made for each other. Seeing and hearing the sizzling sound of their smile was enough to have a best day. Touch of innocence and simplicity with immaturity made their life so colorful.

But this bliss didn’t stay for a long - not even a year. He met with an accident which left him in coma. During this initial stage even she was diagnosed as pregnant for 3 months.  Every single moment of her life those days was as trusting as her eager to share the joy with her husband had strong desire and she was sure the very next moment he is going to come back to life. But one fine morning he left this world without uttering a single word to her; leaving a great trust and hopes nowhere. With shredded voice and incomplete sentence she tried to tell me about that moment. She told she could hear mourns and screaming but didn’t feel like it was true.  She thought it was just a nightmare dream she is seeing as she was unsure about accepting the truth about what happened. Even though it was hard to realize her husband is no more; the truth she is no more was very clear for her. Why he stayed in coma for 5 month - giving her the hope he will be back one day to celebrate the good news; he might have died on spot right? Still the mystery behind the anticipation is not answerable.

Days after that were not good for her. All the people around her start behaving differently towards her. All of them turned towards her questioning one or the other matter. She said “I didn’t know I was living in a broken building till I felt the shake”. She was tortured in her husband house as her bad luck was blamed for all the things happened. Also the child in her womb had to go through lot of insults and abuse for the blame on what happened to his unseen father. Is it she or the unborn the real reason for the unexpected happenings?
In another one month she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Raising the kid was very difficult for her as she had to depend on someone for every need. The parents who initially thought the wealth they had is far enough for the next generation started feeling she and the son a burden for her siblings well wish and started searching for another bridegroom for her. It was not easy to find a bridegroom for her this time as the demand to accept a second marriage woman as well a mother of one at same time was not an easy task. Finally they were able to find a companion for her. Her feeling towards the marriage was just a way to escape from all existing people but nothing other than hoping for having a great family. Finally they were able to find a suitable person who they can handover their responsibility and relax. This time it is not a wealthy business man son in law instead a normal person who in search of find a care taker for him. I think that should be the best phrase to anote the situation. He is fine and healthy in appearance but from inside with lot of health problems.

There are no regrets for the last 12 years of her life. There is nothing to describe as great happened or achieved as how she want to be but better than nothing. One of her friends helped her in getting a small job to support her increasing family needs. Managing the responsibility as a mother of teenager, caretaker of a sick husband and role of working women to manage the family - she is living her life. Even though she couldn't reach where she need to be she says "I live in a world where I am all in all". Dawn to dusk is very meaningful for her. Her existence is the backbone of that family and she is living for that.

Dreaming of a life which is full of success and happiness on half and another half managing to maintain a family straight. Her dreams and real life has got a far distance. A bright future is always easy to wish but to live a happy today is very difficult to achieve. There are lots of AMY’s surround us. Try not to hurt or disgrace them. They are the ones who knows how to live for today. Now a day’s most of them live for tomorrow’s brightness forgetting today’s happiness. Our world offers lot of guarantees and securities about tomorrow. Whether they are genuine as promised nobody knows till we reach a situation to need it. We live in a society where people are ready to go to any worst extent for making a bright tomorrow. Without realizing the truth the promises of tomorrow is not guaranteed it is just a fantasy.

“Tomorrow is never promised, so live for today. Put your ego aside; open your eyes to who and what’s around you. You are loved. You are cared for. You are blessed, always remember that” Junethea Crystal Centeno 


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