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A Strange Friend – SORRY for hurting you!!!

I felt very discomfort after talking to my sister last time. She met someone who knows me and he told to my sister I am arrogant.  And he narrated to my sister the incident which leads him to say so [his version].  I am sure my sister might have felt bad that moment and I am sorry for that. I felt disturbed for a while and after a break I tried to evaluate the incident to know where I went wrong. I was unable to recollect the incident and am very sure it might have happened years back - almost 10 years back.

The story he narrated is I shout at him when he tried to take something from our compound. I can’t recollect the incident yet. But it might have happened if the incident happened is in another way.  He tried to take something from our compound. I told him not to do. And he might have provoked me with some abuse words. And I might have shouted at him. There should be some reason for I really shout at; which he hide while narrating the story and presenting me as a negative character. Am I right my dear friend? He also told we haven’t met after that and he avoided a situation so because of this single incident. So First Impression matters. But is that a wise idea to judge a person by the first appearance?

When two people meet, especially strangers, for the first time, it’s the situation which leads the people how or what to behave there. If the situation is good, people will talk each other nicely. Vice versa the situation may be different and the people will not be behaving the same way. No one will discuss about a friend’s death by laughing. But a friend’s victory will be shared in joy and happiness. It’s the feeling which leads a person to react according to situation. Before judging about someone’s character we should know them deeply and in a comprehensive way. Everyone has the right to love or hate others. With our own attitude towards a person never represent them in public.  

Even though I am not sure of the real incident, I am ready to say SORRY to you friend since it hurt you. But it is time for you to grow up as a man. We are living in a world where we don’t get time to regret. Tomorrow never gives as any promises to accomplish. The breath you inhale itself is now a day’s not bringing any guarantee for the next moment. Ten years of hating and picturing me as an arrogant person is far enough for your revenge dear.

I learn few lessons from you which are really valuable for a worthy living. 
a) Never judge a person’s character with a first time appearance in our life.
b) Never keep enmity in mind for silly reasons.  
c) In public never pictures a person whom you hate.  
d) Try to keep patience.
e) Growing up without getting mature is like filling a tube with both ends opened.
Some incidents give us a change to analyze where we stand. It’s always good to have a self cleanup in between. You feel fresh and energetic afterwards. THANK YOU dear friend because this time you made my day!!!


  1. Ninakkenna Vattayo??? pokaan para pullu :)

    1. I know you guys know me.... But one doubt Manu... Do you guys do had the same feel about me. We also used to fight a lot right---- Best school days


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